Who is Leora?

Leora Imanuel is a Transformational Life Coach with a passionate belief that mothers deserve to be supported, as they do the vital work of raising the next generation of humans.

Over the last 10 years Leora has taught group workshops and supported mothers from around the world with her life-changing transformational 6-month program: Thrive a Motherhood Metamorphosis.

As a mom to two spirited kiddos, she "gets" what it's like to feel stretched between supporting kids and balancing a career, all while getting dinner on the table.

Known for being down-to-earth, clients often tell Leora that she's helped them to start living life unapologetically as themselves.

She’s committed to helping mothers end overwhelm as a way of life, so that they can be calm, confident parents who are present to support their children through these unprecedented times on the planet, while also enjoying deep connections with their families.

She lives in Vermont and loves getting out in nature with her family!

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Our Vision

At Motherhood Metamorphosis we believe that mothers shouldn't have to suffer from feeling out of control and exhausted from the stress in their lives. We believe that mothers deserve and need to have sustainable ease, love and personal fulfillment in their day-to-day lives so that they can nurture small humans and be loving partners, while feeling strong and connected to themselves.

Motherhood Metamorphosis is a community of mothers who support each other in tough times and celebrate each others' victories. Together we create and hold the vision of strong, resourced mamas loving their families and loving their lives. Mothers can be the anchors of ease and calm in their homes. Mothers can feel deeply vibrant and connected in their relationships. Mothers get to wake up happy to be alive each day. 

At Motherhood Metamorphosis we are changing the world one mama at a time by teaching, supporting and empowering women to step into their power and take back their lives. We know that strong, fulfilled mamas = resilient, happy children and joyful homes. 


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